With this spell of good weather, I’ve been musing a little on summer.  In my previous guise as a Five Element acupuncturist, the seasons were incredibly important and I’m still very tuned into what they mean to me, and others, energetically.

Summer can be a busy time for people and one when it’s easier to live an “external” life, with good weather, longer nights and often an increase in social activities like barbecues and weddings.  This can be fun and interesting but can move our focus from what’s going on for us.  There are lots of distractions.

It can also be a time when what we are lacking becomes more evident and vulnerabilities raise their heads.  Our reality and how far it is from what we want may become apparent.  For some, those social invites don’t come in and it can be a very lonely time.  For others, those invites can become a source of great stress and anxiety.

Holidays can sometimes highlight relationship difficulties with partners, friends and family.  A break from routine can let in the doubts and fears and bring attention to just how stressed/unhappy/uncertain we are.  Even if there’s no obvious problems, the long days and time out on a sun lounger can be a great opportunity to reflect and make plans.

Summer Self-Care Tips (N Gumenick 1997):

  • Try to have fun on a regular basis, even if that takes a bit of work at first.  Find out what gives you joy, makes you laugh, and just feels fun, fun, fun!  Make it a priority and schedule it in if you have to.

  • Take time for friendships.  Communicate with openness, honesty and love.

  • Live your passion, whatever that might be.  If you don’t know what that is, start looking and start playing with what it might be.  Give things a go and step outside your comfort zone.  When you find that great interest, go for it wholeheartedly!

  • Get physical – into your body and out of your head.  Get your circulation going.

I’ve included some summer self-care tips above based on the teachings of Traditional Five Element Acupuncture.  However, I don’t underestimate how difficult these things can be when you’re not feeling 100%.

If you’d like some help with working out what your passions are, how to get to where you want to be, even how to find and sustain successful friendships and relationships, then coaching can be really helpful.  It can also be a valuable tool if you’re full of great plans, but are struggling to make them happen.