Self Care Tips During Coronavirus

I'm currently doing regular self care tips which I hope will be of use during the current coronavirus situation.   They're about the little things we can do to get through this a little easier.  They're about building resilience, being kind to ourselves and are filled with easy, practical tips to take the very best care of our emotional health and well-being. You can follow me at: Facebook or Instagram Oh, and they're accompanied by some of my fave holiday [...]

2020-05-29T16:25:02+00:001 April 2020|Categories: Self Care, Self help, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Self Care Tips During Coronavirus

The True Cost of Keeping Quiet – 7 Steps to Find Your Voice

Do you bite your tongue when someone says something you disagree with? How often do you go along the crowd? Do you find it difficult to express your opinions? Avoiding difficult or slightly uncomfortable conversations is really common. In fact, in these volatile times, it’s often seen as a virtue to hold back. But speaking out doesn’t have to mean arguing and discord. And what is the true impact on your life of not being heard?  How can you [...]

2024-06-06T11:10:06+00:002 December 2019|Categories: Honest open conversations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The True Cost of Keeping Quiet – 7 Steps to Find Your Voice

Time for an Autumn Clean

According the Chinese calendar, we're coming to the end of autumn so this blog is on the late side (hmm, remember that one about procrastination?).  It’s one of my favourite times of year - I love the autumn colours, and the clear, crisp days when you can see for miles. In the north east, those days have been a bit in short supply.  It feels like we went straight to the soggy, mouldy stage but we've had the odd [...]

2019-10-29T17:09:23+00:0014 October 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Time for an Autumn Clean

Summer fun?

With this spell of good weather, I've been musing a little on summer.  In my previous guise as a Five Element acupuncturist, the seasons were incredibly important and I'm still very tuned into what they mean to me, and others, energetically. Summer can be a busy time for people and one when it's easier to live an "external" life, with good weather, longer nights and often an increase in social activities like barbecues and weddings.  This can be fun [...]

2019-10-10T14:42:14+00:0012 August 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summer fun?