How’s Your Harvest?

In Chinese Medicine, there is an extra season - Late Summer - which is associated with the Earth element. It corresponds to this time of harvest, as the peak of summer moves into the decline of autumn. In some traditions, it is also the time of transition between all of the seasons - the still point as one ends and the next begins. It is a time of nourishment, of gathering and storing. It is the last chance of [...]

How to make the most of this summer – despite COVID 19

Well, according to the Chinese solar terms, we’ve now moved into summer.  And once again I'm writing about the benefits of tuning into the energy of the season, whilst we’re still in circumstances that make that tricky. Perhaps the transition of “Stay Home” into “Stay Alert” gives us a little more opportunity to be outside.  However, we're still living with the reality of a pandemic so this summer is likely to be an odd one. But, as I’ve said [...]