Are you making things harder for yourself? Take some rocks out of the backpack

This is one my fave analogies and has been cropping up a lot this week with my coaching.  I work with ambitious people who often have complex demands on their time and energy, big decisions to make, difficult stuff to deal with.  And that means life can be tricky. And we do great work helping them to reduce their stress, build resilience and find clarity, productivity and new ways to harness their strengths. Fab. But the real big shifts [...]

Avoidant attachment style and sharing the real you

Avoidant attachment style, authenticity and sharing the real you.... I'm fascinated my Attachment Theory and work with it often with clients.  It's a psychological theory based on the premise that our early-life experiences create blueprints for all our relationship patterns.  If our primary childhood caregivers were unable to meet our needs of safety, trust, love etc. (for whatever reason - this isn't a blame game), then secure attachment is inhibited.  I could go on endlessly here but this week my main [...]