I don’t know about you, but right now, so many people I’m encountering are stressed and exhausted. There’s a lot going on and many things are feeling scary – both in the big picture and closer to home. And all this comes on the back of 2 years in a pandemic.
So it’s not surprising, but it is something we have to be aware of – how to work with our capacity. In honesty, I’m pretty good at this now. Chronic health issues have taught me how to tune in to how I feel on any day and work with that, to kinder to myself and have flexible expectations, and to be diligent with the self care maintenance whatever’s going on (in fact, to ramp it up as the pressure increases).
Because when we feel wrung out, we don’t always spot it, and instead move into a place of even more (self induced) stress. A place where:
And so this week, I’ve been reassuring clients that:
And then you can get back to listening to your rational brain and your calm body to create aligned and embodied actions – that will get you to where you want to be.
Mmm..Sounds good.
What works for you when the pressure’s really on?.
P.S. check out my self care tips if you’re struggling.