The Introverts’ Social Survival Guide – for Christmas and Beyond

Do you find socialising as an introvert tough?  Are you missing out on opportunities in work, romance, friendships and life because of this? Do you punish yourself because you're the other one that can't to this?  Then you might need my Introverts' Social Survival Guide for Christmas (and Beyond)! This time of year can be tricky for us introverts.  Work dos, big social gatherings, packed houses and long family stayovers – it can be tiring, overwhelming and easy to [...]

Creating environments that support and align with our goals

I'm a big advocate of creating environments that support and align with our goals.  I passionately believe in using the non-conscious parts of our body and brain to help us stretch for those things we want to achieve as well as our plans and intentions. And shaping the environment around us can make a huge difference. I'll share a few things we've been talking about this week, in how to shape a work environment that's conducive to your goals: [...]

2024-11-19T15:52:29+00:0019 November 2024|Categories: Confidence, Goal setting, Self confidence, Self esteem|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Creating environments that support and align with our goals

The Self Esteem Series #4: Self-acceptance & making peace with the real you

So many people are being so hard on themselves right now.  In fact I'd go so far to say it's as if they're at war with themselves, or at the very least getting in their own way.  Self-acceptance is tough.So I'm talking about more ways to work with, rather than against, ourselves  Looking at how to become our own support system and cheerleaderAnd imagining just what might be possible if we can be on our own side, and supporting ourselves [...]

The Self Esteem Series #3: Changing your perspective to build self esteem

It regularly makes me sad and mad in my coaching space when I see such impressive people struggling to see the gifts and value they bring.  And wow it's so wonderful when those same people benefit from building their self esteem, moving from being their own biggest enemy to their own support system, even their own cheerleader . A key tool in building self esteem is tapping into a different perspective.  Seeing something from another angle and outside of [...]

The Self Esteem Series #2: Building self esteem by dialling down the negative self-talk

Dialling down the negative self-talk so self esteem can flourish One of the most common themes from my coaching space is self-compassion (or at least the lack of it). Many of my clients are high achievers who have been using punishment, stress and self-annihilation to motivate themselves (but uh-oh, it’s not working anymore).The negative self-talk is constant, with a cruel inner critical, always telling themselves they’re useless, lazy, stupid, less than, not good enough…(the list goes on…).  And they sprinkle [...]

2024-10-10T10:02:45+00:0016 September 2024|Categories: Confidence, Self confidence, Self esteem, Stress, Stress and Anxiety|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Self Esteem Series #2: Building self esteem by dialling down the negative self-talk

5 Key Benefits of Journalling: Write it out to work it out

This week, I've been reminding a few people about the benefits of journalling.  I'm a huge fan of journalling and recommend it to all my clients. It's a fabulous support tool for our work together. In fact, I'd say it can help anyone out there - so read on... (p.s. if you want to give journalling a go but don't know where to start, I've got a great guide - just email me and I'll send you a copy) [...]

Is that still true? Changing the narrative

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: It's amazing the stories we tell ourselves.  The constant narratives we have about who we are, what we can and can't do, even what has happened to us and what that now means.  Our brains love a good story, and our nervous systems love familiarity and hence these narratives get bedded in.   But what if they're not [...]

2023-06-20T13:53:24+00:0020 June 2023|Categories: Confidence, Self Care, Self confidence, Self esteem|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Is that still true? Changing the narrative

Gratitude & Self Esteem: Using gratitude to feel better about yourself

One of the many benefits shown from practicing regular gratitude is feeling better about other people, and having stronger connections.  So how about using a similar technique to start feeling better about yourself? Here's how gratitude can boost your self esteem. (Last week’s blog's was all about how much a regular gratitude practice might help - and how to make a start.  Check it out if you missed it or need a refresher.) Biggest obstacle I see that’s [...]

Feeling stuck? Perhaps because the answer’s no

Are you feeling stuck right now?  Can I ask how you react to suggestions, new possibilities and different options? You might be struggling with the "instant no"?  Or perhaps more accurately, it's not so much of a hard no (because we're also the people who often find it tricky to set clear boundaries).  It's probably more of a "hmm, not sure that's for me", a "but what if.." or a "that's beyond me; too much; not possible"* (* delete [...]

Multitasking – Help or Hindrance? And The Art of Doing Nothing

Is multitasking a help or hindrance to you? I've been a fully signed-up member of the Multitasking Gang for many years. But - gulp - I know it doesn't always help and I've worked hard to keep it in some sort of balance so it works with me, rather than against me. It’s something I talk about regularly with my clients because so many of us seem to be like computers running 100+ programs at any one time (and [...]