Having a “flare plan” – how to deal with stressful, busy times

Whilst helping people with stressful, busy times, I've started sharing the idea of a flare plan.  I highly recommend them so here's more... This is a concept I came across recently in the chronic health space and I'm a big fan (and bear with me here because I think it's really relevant for everyone, not just us chronic health-ers).  With MCAS, I can have flare ups where my health issues become more acute.  Rather than an instant deterioration, they [...]

2024-05-10T09:42:07+00:0010 May 2024|Categories: Stress, Stress and Anxiety|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Having a “flare plan” – how to deal with stressful, busy times

Be More Batman – challenging limiting beliefs to take your place

I'm aware that I often talk here about a softly, softly approach when it comes to overcoming procrastination and stretching our comfort zone.  I'm very much of the Start-Small-and-Build Brigade when it comes to working with "my people", most of whom are sensitive souls (like me!).  And I do this because it works! But that doesn't mean we think small. My work is all about helping professionals and entrepreneurs ditch the imposter syndrome to take their place and embrace their big ambitions. [...]

2024-04-22T13:22:43+00:0022 April 2024|Categories: Procrastination, Stress, Stress and Anxiety|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Be More Batman – challenging limiting beliefs to take your place

Nourish or Numb?

When you're stressed, do you nourish or numb?  We often unconsciously use activities which soothe the autonomic nervous system (ANS).  This is the non-conscious part of our brain and body that is responsible for our survival (on a basic level, it's the flight or fight response). These activities help us to come back towards regulation - a calmer, more conscious Ventral state where we can choose how we act rather than react.  (BTW, I'm using the language of Polyvagal Theory [...]

Successful socialising as an introvert (and getting through Christmas)

I'm Emma, and I'm a committed introvert. I 🧡 time on my own and I can easily get lost in a solo world.  And much as I love being with people (and I really do - hence my job), I can find big, busy gatherings tiring, if not overwhelming and run out of steam if I'm with too many people for too long. And I know I'm not the only one.  Most of my clients are introverts too and [...]

2022-12-16T14:46:40+00:0016 December 2022|Categories: Introvert, Self Care, Self help|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Successful socialising as an introvert (and getting through Christmas)

How to find connection when you prefer to be on your own

One of my tips from last week’s Winter-Blues-Beating toolkit was to “feed the fire with strong, meaningful connections”.   And I stand by this.  We are pack animals, and we need other people.  The health impacts of loneliness are well documented, not to mention the profound emotional impact.  Being part of a tribe, being seen and belonging are vital to the internal fire that gives us warmth, energy, love, joy, connection, purpose and support. But I also [...]

2022-12-08T11:25:31+00:006 December 2022|Categories: Self help|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on How to find connection when you prefer to be on your own

Why am I so angry? The answer might not be what you think

Lots of people are asking "why am I so angry?" right now.  They're struggling with the emotion - how it makes them feel and the impact on others.  I'm also aware that I spoke of "harnessing anger" for good in last week's blog, and some of you are wondering how to do that.  And so I thought this was worth a bit more exploration. Anger in Chinese Medicine In Chinese Medicine, anger is the emotion of [...]

Dealing with bad news: how to stay sane and stay engaged when chaos reigns

It's hard to miss the news right now.  And it feels like none of is it good.  And so many people I know are fed up with dealing with bad news so are stepping away from it altogether. And I get that.  I did the same myself back in 2016 when my nervous system was shot with ill health and burnout (and Trump 🙄).  And there's no doubt that being exposed to these stories absolutely creates a stress response in us, [...]

5 Simple Steps to Work Efficiently

A recurrent theme of my coaching this week (in fact, most weeks) is how to work efficiently. Many of my clients are go-getting employees or ambitious entrepreneurs and all are super busy. And often super stressed. And if I'm honest, not operating super efficiently or effectively (mainly because of this stress). Instead, they're firefighting, juggling, and dealing with whatever's shouting the loudest. They're being pulled in many different directions and feeling overwhelmed. And they're starting to become frazzled and [...]

Soothe Stress and Anxiety with the Mindful First Aid Kit and the Senses

I've created this page to make it easy to find my blogs all about how to soothe stress & anxiety.  I'm passionate about the role the non-conscious brain and  the nervous system have on how we think, act and show up.  For change to really happen - and last - we have to bring our nervous system along for the ride, in a safe and sustainable way.  As powerful as cognitive coaching can be, if the nervous system is dysregulated [...]

Feeling stuck? Perhaps because the answer’s no

Are you feeling stuck right now?  Can I ask how you react to suggestions, new possibilities and different options? You might be struggling with the "instant no"?  Or perhaps more accurately, it's not so much of a hard no (because we're also the people who often find it tricky to set clear boundaries).  It's probably more of a "hmm, not sure that's for me", a "but what if.." or a "that's beyond me; too much; not possible"* (* delete [...]