Nourish or Numb?

When you're stressed, do you nourish or numb?  We often unconsciously use activities which soothe the autonomic nervous system (ANS).  This is the non-conscious part of our brain and body that is responsible for our survival (on a basic level, it's the flight or fight response). These activities help us to come back towards regulation - a calmer, more conscious Ventral state where we can choose how we act rather than react.  (BTW, I'm using the language of Polyvagal Theory [...]

Not all stress is equal (or bad) – there’s good stress too!

I've been banging on a lot lately about relieving stress (because everyone's so frazzled!).  And also because I know that a well regulated nervous system is the foundation for all my clients want to do (embrace new ways, stop playing it small and safe, get clear on what they want, feel comfortable in who they are, take their place in a safe and sustainable way). But managing stress isn't just about avoiding it - there's good stress too!  Many [...]