Be More Batman – challenging limiting beliefs to take your place

I'm aware that I often talk here about a softly, softly approach when it comes to overcoming procrastination and stretching our comfort zone.  I'm very much of the Start-Small-and-Build Brigade when it comes to working with "my people", most of whom are sensitive souls (like me!).  And I do this because it works! But that doesn't mean we think small. My work is all about helping professionals and entrepreneurs ditch the imposter syndrome to take their place and embrace their big ambitions. [...]

2024-04-22T13:22:43+00:0022 April 2024|Categories: Procrastination, Stress, Stress and Anxiety|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Be More Batman – challenging limiting beliefs to take your place

Nourish or Numb?

When you're stressed, do you nourish or numb?  We often unconsciously use activities which soothe the autonomic nervous system (ANS).  This is the non-conscious part of our brain and body that is responsible for our survival (on a basic level, it's the flight or fight response). These activities help us to come back towards regulation - a calmer, more conscious Ventral state where we can choose how we act rather than react.  (BTW, I'm using the language of Polyvagal Theory [...]

Is it just me?

I adore my clients and am fascinated by their lives, their stories, their dreams and ambitions.  And, of course, they are all wonderfully unique. But you'd be amazed by how similar the themes are in our coaching sessions.  Topics that I bang on here regularly, like: being stressed, frazzled and trapped on a hamster wheel never feeling good enough being stuck, procrastinating and spinning on the spot being the "imposter", about to be caught out at any minute negative [...]

The Key to Confidence – Playing to Your Strengths (Confidence Part 3)

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: Wow, my little blog on confidence has become a series, and it feels like we're still just touching the surface! But we're doing great things, and it feels like the next logical step is to start looking at how we can tune into what we're great at (and our Zone of Genius). This also means considering what [...]

5 Tips to Boost Your Self Confidence (Confidence Part 2)

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: Ok, so following on from last week's blog, we've shifted those deep, dark beliefs about confidence being a bad thing, and we'd like some of it. Not too little, not too much - just a delicious balance of calm confidence, quiet power, and assurance and ease with all we are and all we can do. Sounds good, [...]

2023-07-05T13:02:08+00:0015 July 2022|Categories: Confidence, Self confidence, Self esteem|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5 Tips to Boost Your Self Confidence (Confidence Part 2)

Let’s talk about the C word…Confidence (Part 1)

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: Confidence – nice thing to have, yes? Knowledge of and belief in your skills and abilities, a calm relationship with your own strengths and areas of improvement, an ability to communicate what those are so others know what you’ve got covered. No biggie you’d think.  But yet when this comes up in my coaching space, there’s times [...]