So many people are being so hard on themselves right now. In fact I’d go so far to say it’s as if they’re at war with themselves, or at the very least getting in their own way. Self-acceptance is tough.
So I’m talking about more ways to work with, rather than against, ourselves
Looking at how to become our own support system and cheerleader
And imagining just what might be possible if we can be on our own side, and supporting ourselves to go further rather than dragging ourselves down and holding ourselves back
Now, if I say so myself, there’s some great advice about building self-esteem and dialling down the negative self-talk in this current self-esteem blog series. Do check the other ones out if you haven’t already.
And I’d like to add to this with what I see as the most foundational piece of this work….
Essentially to recognise our own humanity – just as we see it in others.
Some of this won’t come easily. Many thought patterns will have been there for years and be embedded in your protection system. So we have to find small, consistent steps to create sustainable change in a way that works for you, and harness techniques to let the nervous system know this new way is safe.
That’s where I come in – please reach out if you’d like a helping hand.