The Self Esteem Series #3: Changing your perspective to build self esteem

It regularly makes me sad and mad in my coaching space when I see such impressive people struggling to see the gifts and value they bring.  And wow it's so wonderful when those same people benefit from building their self esteem, moving from being their own biggest enemy to their own support system, even their own cheerleader . A key tool in building self esteem is tapping into a different perspective.  Seeing something from another angle and outside of [...]

5 Key Benefits of Journalling: Write it out to work it out

This week, I've been reminding a few people about the benefits of journalling.  I'm a huge fan of journalling and recommend it to all my clients. It's a fabulous support tool for our work together. In fact, I'd say it can help anyone out there - so read on... (p.s. if you want to give journalling a go but don't know where to start, I've got a great guide - just email me and I'll send you a copy) [...]