Avoidant attachment style and sharing the real you

Avoidant attachment style, authenticity and sharing the real you.... I'm fascinated my Attachment Theory and work with it often with clients.  It's a psychological theory based on the premise that our early-life experiences create blueprints for all our relationship patterns.  If our primary childhood caregivers were unable to meet our needs of safety, trust, love etc. (for whatever reason - this isn't a blame game), then secure attachment is inhibited.  I could go on endlessly here but this week my main [...]

Are you working beyond capacity?

Right now. I'm coaching many people who are struggling to make energetic ends meet.  They're overworked, under rested, on a hamster wheel of stress and never catching up.  And this is at home as well as work.   They're working beyond capacity and burnout looms.There's a lot of under-resourced organisations out there, meaning over-stretched people.  And entrepreneurs are trying to keep their businesses afloat in tricky times, attempting to do everything themselves.  Plus the demands of home and kids keep [...]

Know Your Value: It doesn’t have to be blood, sweat and tears

An old favourite topic return to my coaching space this week - challenging the notion that slog and graft is the way we prove our worth and value.So many of us seem to feel the need to show that we're working, that we're delivering, that we're earning our keep is by providing blood, sweat and tears. Many of us - indeed our society - seems very tied to the idea that we have to PROVE our value with effort, [...]

Gratitude & Self Esteem: Using gratitude to feel better about yourself

One of the many benefits shown from practicing regular gratitude is feeling better about other people, and having stronger connections.  So how about using a similar technique to start feeling better about yourself? Here's how gratitude can boost your self esteem. (Last week’s blog's was all about how much a regular gratitude practice might help - and how to make a start.  Check it out if you missed it or need a refresher.) Biggest obstacle I see that’s [...]

The Key to Confidence – Playing to Your Strengths (Confidence Part 3)

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: Wow, my little blog on confidence has become a series, and it feels like we're still just touching the surface! But we're doing great things, and it feels like the next logical step is to start looking at how we can tune into what we're great at (and our Zone of Genius). This also means considering what [...]

5 Tips to Boost Your Self Confidence (Confidence Part 2)

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: Ok, so following on from last week's blog, we've shifted those deep, dark beliefs about confidence being a bad thing, and we'd like some of it. Not too little, not too much - just a delicious balance of calm confidence, quiet power, and assurance and ease with all we are and all we can do. Sounds good, [...]

2023-07-05T13:02:08+00:0015 July 2022|Categories: Confidence, Self confidence, Self esteem|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5 Tips to Boost Your Self Confidence (Confidence Part 2)

Let’s talk about the C word…Confidence (Part 1)

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: Confidence – nice thing to have, yes? Knowledge of and belief in your skills and abilities, a calm relationship with your own strengths and areas of improvement, an ability to communicate what those are so others know what you’ve got covered. No biggie you’d think.  But yet when this comes up in my coaching space, there’s times [...]

Embrace the Grey – Escaping the Confines of Black and White Thinking

Ever find yourself thinking of your options and seeing only two? How often does that inner critic tell you that if you’re not the best, you’re the absolute worst? And I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles to find any compassion when some public figure says something horrendous.  So many people seem prone to black and white thinking – it’s a frequent theme in my coaching. The occasional blip is probably no big deal but when it’s [...]

2020-02-27T19:29:59+00:0027 February 2020|Categories: Black and White Thinking, Perfectionism|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Embrace the Grey – Escaping the Confines of Black and White Thinking