Multitasking – Help or Hindrance? And The Art of Doing Nothing

Is multitasking a help or hindrance to you? I've been a fully signed-up member of the Multitasking Gang for many years. But - gulp - I know it doesn't always help and I've worked hard to keep it in some sort of balance so it works with me, rather than against me. It’s something I talk about regularly with my clients because so many of us seem to be like computers running 100+ programs at any one time (and [...]

Stressed? Exhausted? Read this! How to work with your capacity

I don't know about you, but right now, so many people I'm encountering are stressed and exhausted.  There's a lot going on and many things are feeling scary - both in the big picture and closer to home.  And all this comes on the back of 2 years in a pandemic.So it's not surprising, but it is something we have to be aware of - how to work with our capacity.  In honesty, I'm pretty good at this now.  Chronic [...]

How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Stuff Done

Prefer to listen rather than read?  You can hear an AI-generated voiceover of this blog here: My name is Emma, and I’m a procrastinator. Or at least I’m a pretty much recovered procrastinator, and I’m happy to share with you how I did it. If you’re struggling to get your good intentions to stick, to tick things off that to-do list, and to do the things you know you’ll feel better for doing, [...]

Soothe Your Nervous System by Tuning Into the 5 Senses: Touch

Here’s the final blog in my series about how to soothe the nervous system and restore a sense of calm using our five senses.  It’s the turn of touch, a powerful tool for feeling better when stress, anxiety or overwhelm are looming. The techniques listed in these blogs are all great ways of finding some calm.  Some are more complicated than others so use the rules of KISS to find the ones the resonate with you.  With practice, they'll [...]

Simple Tips to Reduce Stress and Anxiety The Senses – Taste

How can we use our tastebuds to reduce stress and anxiety, and beat overwhelm? What's that?  “Cake, and loads of it!” But is that the only way? And does cake work? This is the latest in my blog series, all about how to reduce stress and anxiety and beat overwhelm by tuning into our senses. Whatever you choose, remember, the rules of KISS... Remember to Keep Things Super Simple (KISS) Find small, simple ways to soothe Choose [...]

Using our Sense of Smell to Stay Calm

TOP TIP: Remember to Keep Things Super Simple (KISS) Find small, simple ways to soothe Choose ones that resonate with you And do them again and again, especially when you’re feeling strong, so you’ll be able to access them easily when there’s a wobble And so this week we're looking at how we can use our sense of smell in various ways to stay calm and relaxed. This is the third blog in my series, all [...]

Stay Calm and Stress Free with The Five Senses – Hearing

Here’s the second blog in my latest series about how to stay calm and stress free by tuning into our senses.  This week it’s hearing. Check out last week’s blog with super simple ways to reduce stress and anxiety using sight.  And how to build your Mindful First Aid Kit to deal with stress emergencies. Remember, these techniques vary in complexity and some will appeal more than others.  Use the rules of KISS... TOP TIP: Remember [...]

Soothing Stress & Anxiety with The Five Senses – Sight

My previous blog was all about finding super simple ways to soothe stress & anxiety, at those times when doing anything feels almost impossible. A mindful first aid kit.  Check it out here… One of my favourite techniques is tuning into the 5 senses with a quick scan, gently focusing in turn on what can we can see, then hear, then smell, taste and touch. And so I’ve decided to write a series of blogs about [...]

Stress Relief with a Mindful First Aid Kit

How are you holding up?  Needing some stress relief? I’m noticing the impact of the relentless, background stress on many.  Anxiety symptoms popping up, difficulty concentrating, heaps of procrastination (endless phone scrolling anyone?) and lots of “freezing” in the face of overwhelm. My own energy levels have been sinking a little and it’s been harder to stay focused on my writing (long overdue blog here!).  These are early signs for me that my stress levels are on the rise. [...]

Beat the Winter Blues – Making Winter Work for You

Well, we’re back here again. Winter, the season of ultimate yin – cold, dark, hidden, internal - and for many a time of dread.  But this season is so important.  So how can we make winter work for us, and beat the winter blues? I used to hate winter and couldn’t wait for the longer, warmer days.  I would be sluggish, dull, craving sunlight, and battling it every step of the way. My relationship with the seasons transformed when [...]